Map: Farm v2

Farm_v2 preview

Credits: yeKcim, Wuzzy

In packages: warmux

Last modified: 12/01/2014 10:48 p.m.

Size: 865.6 KB

This is a farm-themed map.

The map is intended to be used together with the theme “Farm_v2”, but this is not required.
You find the theme here:
If you don’t have or want this theme, you can use any other theme as fallback option. I’d suggest Sheep.

This map is based on the WarMUX map “Farm” by WarMUX contributer yeKcim. I have applied a simple mask. If you blow up the land, you will see the land background texture. I have not made changes to the map itself.

Learn more about maps from WarMUX here: <>.